Kate says: “Together, we can do great things!”
How does a normal day start?
Days start early to get myself and my children up and out to school. If I’m travelling into the office by train then I can read meeting papers or respond to emails, or use the time to plan. Once I’m in the office, a cup of tea and I’m ready for the day.
Why did you join Sandwell Council?
Initially, it was the transport links! The borough is really well served by public transport which means I can get to work without using the car. If I have to drive, the motorway network means it’s a straightforward journey.
But that was 15 years ago. I have stayed for two reasons: firstly, I have been fortunate to have been involved in a whole host of high profile and transformational projects that have made a difference to how the council works; and secondly, this has meant I have worked with a fantastic range of people from different walks of life. I have learned so much from my colleagues and been privileged to see at first hand their determination to make things better for their colleagues and our residents.
What is your role?
As Strategic Lead: Service Improvement I am responsible for Corporate Strategy and Performance, Voluntary Sector Grants Administration and our corporate improvement programme under government intervention.
What do you do in your role?
I sit at the centre of the organisation, working with the leadership team and members to develop the strategic vision for the council and the plans to achieve it. This involves bringing people and intelligence from across the council together to identify issues and opportunities to improve, so that we collectively design and deliver high quality services to the residents of Sandwell.
My team is also responsible for the corporate performance framework – how the council tracks progress and performance in key areas and determines where it needs to focus its attention to achieve our goal of being an outstanding council. When we spot challenges, my role is to bring people and data together to understand why things aren't working and then collectively agree how we can improve.
What’s been your most memorable moment so far?
Looking back over the last 15 years, there have been too many memorable moments to pick just one. My reflection on all of those moments is that, for each of them, I have been surrounded by great teams of skilled people who are dedicated to getting things right and improving things for Sandwell.
If I had to pick I would say my top memorable moment was attending the all staff briefing at Sandwell Aquatics Centre in July 2023. Bringing hundreds of staff together for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, seeing the smiles on faces as they reconnected with colleagues and got the opportunity to meet senior leaders and cabinet members was wonderful.
And to hold it in a world-class facility that the council built to time and to budget (during a pandemic and one of the worst winters on record) – this made me very proud to be part of an organisation that makes amazing things happen
What would you be doing if you didn’t work here?
I have always had a passion for history and archaeology, understanding how everyday lives of the past were impacted by the culture, society and physical environments. So, if I hadn’t moved into public service then I would like to think you would find me on a dig site somewhere. Although I’m sure my knees are grateful for my chosen career.
What advice would you give someone considering a career with Sandwell Council?
Go for it. If you are passionate about public service and want the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others, then here at Sandwell Council you will find yourself surrounded by likeminded people. Together, we can do great things!