Local councillors are elected by the local community to represent its views. Find out more about what a councillor is.
From this page you can find information about each local councillor in Sandwell including their contact details and information on councillors' surgeries and their registered interests.
Ward councillors are committed to supporting their residents, local businesses and the voluntary sector.
Political makeup of Sandwell Council
Sandwell is a Labour controlled council divided into 24 wards represented by 72 ward councillors. The current political makeup of the council following the 2024 Local Elections is:
- Conservative- 5 seats
- Green- 1 seat
- Independent- 1 seat
- Labour- 65 seats
Election results
Check the results of previous local and general elections in Sandwell.
Members' Allowances
Although councillors are volunteers and unpaid, they do receive payments to help meet the costs of representing their communities across the townships of Oldbury, Tipton, Rowley Regis, Smethwick, Wednesbury and West Bromwich.
Basic allowance
All local councils must pay their members a basic allowance - the same level for all members, which is intended to cover their time commitments and incidental costs.
It includes an amount to cover all travel they may incur when undertaking duties within the borough, subsistence, etc.
Special responsibility allowance
Some councillors receive a special responsibility allowance in addition to the basic allowance, for additional responsibilities.
Special responsibilities include being a member of the Cabinet, being a chair of a committee, taking the lead responsibility for dealing with particular areas of work, or being appointed to certain other bodies.
External allowances
Allowances may also be paid to councillors who are nominated to work with these external bodies.
These allowances are paid by the respective authorities - not the council.
View details of councillors' allowances by financial year.
Code of conduct
All our councillors must abide by our councillors' code of conduct.
Become a councillor
Find out more information on how to become a councillor.