
Dorothy Parkes

Grief, Bereavement, & Loss Support Programme

The Dorothy Parkes Centre is a community organisation based in Smethwick and provides a wide range of activities for the local community.

The Dorothy Parkes Centre applied for CIL funding which helped purchase new furniture and a projector screen for their Grief, Bereavement and Loss Support Programme.

The project was to create a safe space where people can talk openly about the issues that they face both historically and currently. The purpose of the sessions was to help individuals through their loss.

The CIL funding was used to purchase meeting room Chairs, Tub Chairs and a Projector Screen to support the delivery of the Project.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £3,259.93

Dorothy parkes

West Smethwick Enterprise

West Smethwick Enterprise stay and play group

West Smethwick Enterprise received CIL funding for their free stay and play group. The stay and play sessions are an inclusive and fun environment for families within the community of Smethwick. Providing learning opportunities for the children to build on their social and communication skills by socialising with their peers and other adults.

The sessions also allow parents to spend time with their child and other parents helping to reduce social isolation.

The Family Support Service will also be available during the stay and play sessions to help families with a wide range of difficulties they may be facing. 

With the new resources purchased, West Smethwick Enterprise will be able to continue providing these free stay and play sessions for many years to come with approximately 400 people benefitting.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £2,450.29 

West smethwick enterprise

North Smethwick Development Trust

Your Local Pantry - Brasshouse

NSDT is a community development organisation that work out of the Brasshouse Community Centre in North Smethwick. The centre acts as a focal point working with the local community to identify need and provide services and activities that support the local community.

CIL funding was used to set up a Your Local Pantry. This is a community-led shop where members payed £4.00 a week and receive at least 10 items (at least £15 worth of shopping). Including fresh fruit and vegetables, ambient, chilled and frozen products as well as toiletries.

The pantry has been running mainly by volunteers, offering people opportunities to gain valuable work experience and build confidence. The funding that has been used for this project was to purchase for a fridge, freezer and shelving to ensure that food could be stored safely and securely for the project

NDST have worked with SMBC Public Health to review working practices and social distancing requirements in the delivery of the project in view of COVID-19.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £2,577.62

North smethwick development centre brasshouse

Deaf World

England Cricket Association for the Deaf (ECAD) Midlands Cricket Project

Deaf Word is a registered charity (1127458) since January 2009.

Deaf World Smethwick have received CIL funding which has enabled them to set up an England Cricket Association for the deaf (ECAD) as there were currently no teams in the West Midlands.

This project was developed through suggestions and a consultation with young people and has been led by young people in association with Deaf World HIYP, ECAD and England Cricket Board ECB.
Deaf World Smethwick purchased cricket equipment (such as pads, gloves, bats, helmets) to support this new Association. The equipment has allowed the young people to practice and play matches in regional cricket leagues such as the T20 Tournament between North, Midlands & South.

This project has made a significant difference in young people lives as has enabled them to:
• Gain confidence and enhance general well being
• Engage in a physical activity regularly
• Enhance social and communication skills
• Have a sense of belonging and be part of a team
• Learn how to manage a sporting club and take responsibility
• Enable to explore options for coaching
• Assist in the development of cricket for the Deaf across the region

The group were awarded CIL funding of £2,250.34

Deaf world

Singh Sabha FC

Singh Sabha FC

Singh Sabha FC was established in 2001 and currently has several active football teams ranging from an under 7’s team to an adult team.

The Club based in Smethwick welcomes all people from a diverse community and provides opportunities for young people to access football sessions free of charge and adults to access football for a minimal charge.

The CIL funding approved for Singh Sabha will enable the Club to purchase new football equipment and will allow the football sessions to re-start when COVID-19 Government guidelines allow.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £1,568.13.

Singh sabha

Cape Community Day Care Centre

Cape Community Day Care Centre kitchen and safety equipment

Cape Community Day Care Centre is an established Day Care Centre of over 27 years run by a volunteer team.  The Organization supports bringing vulnerable beneficiaries from local migrant communities together.

Many of the beneficiaries have a mental and/or a physical disability and are elderly. The organization also offer a seasonal Youth Creation Youth Club.

Due to COVID-19 regulations the number of people able to use the services is severely affected when the Day Care Centre has re-opened.

To reduce the impact this will have on these vital service Cape Community Day Care Centre have received Community Infrastructure Levy funding to purchase room dividers, hand sanitizer and to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on service users.

The CIL funding has also allowed the organization to purchase a new cooker which has helped with enabling the group to cook and supply healthy meals to the vulnerable

The group were awarded CIL funding of £3,832.98

Cape community care day centre

African French Speaking Community Support (AFSCS)

Training room computing equipment

African French Speaking Community Support have received CIL funding to upgrade their training room with 6 computers and one printer.

This new ICT equipment will support residents to gain new digital skills. Giving residents confidence to go online for various reasons, such as: shopping, filling in forms, internet banking, using zoom, Skype, Microsoft teams, face book and supporting children as well.

The project aims to support numerous residents with limited English and poor digital skills, with completing online applications, including Universal Credit, council tax reduction, housing benefits and job searches. Furthermore, the free delivery of basic computer and digital skills classes will be undertaken by permanent staff at the organisation and volunteers.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £3,358.74

African french speaking community support

The Abrahamic Foundation

Move On Up

CIL funding was approved for the Abrahamic Foundation as a contribution towards the repair of their lift which has been out of action for the last 5-6 years. The organisation is based on the High Street in Smethwick.

When the lift is repaired this will enable disabled people and people with mobility issues to access all areas of the building again.

From when the lift is repaired. This will enable more people into the community centre as the top floor will be accessible again. This will lead to local people taking part in more activities and sessions such as a youth club, adult learning courses and fun days etc.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £3,323.40.

The abrahamic foundation

Bearwood Community Hubs CIC

Bearwood Work Space

Bearwood Community Hub is a well-established group that delivers activities to support a range of age groups and people in the Community at a Church building in Smethwick.

CIL funding has been approved for a Project to set up co-working space on Bearwood High Street that enables local people to start up or grow micro businesses and enterprises and to reduce the isolation that people feel when working from home.

The CIL funding will be used to purchase furniture and items to help set up the co-working space.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £4,329.60

Bearwood community hubs

Friends of Thimblemill Library 

Noticeboard replacement 

Friends of Thimblemill Library is a well-established organisation since it began in May 1966. It aims to improve opportunities for access to learning and services for residents of the area and to promote and enhance the use of Thimblemill Library

Friends of Thimblemill Library has received CIL funding to purchase a new noticeboard which is located outside the library.

By purchasing a new noticeboard, the organisation will notify people that the library is open and will advertise what activities The Friends of Thimblemill Library will be putting on. They are looking to attract new members to enjoy all of the facilities at the library. 

The CIL funding has helped supply and the install the new metal notice board.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £1884.44

Friends of thimblemill library

Bearwood Home Gardeners and Allotment Association

Replacement of roof to main storage unit / meeting space, usually known as ‘the shop’

Bearwood Allotment Association is an Allotment group that offer the benefits of healthy outdoor activity and food production to all members of the Association.  There are over 110 plots that make up Bearwood Allotments.

The Association have received CIL funding for the replacement of roofs to 2 adjoining buildings. Unfortunately, the organisation has suffered with break-ins around 8 times over the past 12 months.

With the replacement of the roofs, the group look to prevent people from breaking into the buildings. By having more secure storage the group intend to undertake open days and attract new members to rent plots.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £4,320.00.

Bearwood Home Gardeners and Allotments Association

Special Olympics Sandwell 

Aim High & Achieve 

Special Olympics Sandwell was set up in January 1983 to provide sporting opportunities for people with intellectual / learning disabilities aged 7 years and over. Special Olympics Sandwell are an accredited Branch of SOGB (Special Olympics Great Britain).

Special Olympics Sandwell applied for funding to purchase new Athletics, Kwik Cricket and Badminton equipment.

This has enabled the organisation to offer a wider choice of sports for the community.

The Group were awarded CIL funding of £2,960.93.

Special olympics norma

St Johns Community Centre

Improvement to the St Johns Community Hall

St Johns Community Centre is a small community centre based in Smethwick where various groups use the facilities to attend different activities such as ‘Knit and Knatter’, Scout groups etc. The organisation also hires out the hall for parties, Christenings, weddings etc.
St Johns Community Centre have been successful in receiving CIL funding for 2 new double doors at the front and rear which are the main access points to the hall. 

The current doors are old and fragile and due to this the organisation has suffered with attempted break-ins.

The new doors form part of a refurbishment plan for the hall, as the group has decorated inside.

With the replacement of the 2 new double doors and makeover, the aim is to make the building more secure and to attract new community groups/members to join in the activities.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £1,237.03

St Johns Community Centre


Going Online

SPMA is a registered charity that serves the needs of the local community by providing a mixture of different services.

SPMA has received CIL funding to purchase tablets and tablet covers which has enabled them to run ICT sessions free of charge for the community. 

The sessions will help the local community to learn how to use tablets and to navigate the digital world by developing ICT skills

The group were awarded CIL funding of £2,756.88



Sur Sangam Music And Arts

New musical instrument equipment

Sur Sangam Music and Arts is a small organisation that teach the community to sing and play instruments. 

The organisation has been successful in receiving CIL funding to purchase a sound system. This will enable them to put on performances at Windmill Community Centre, as well as improving their rehearsal activities.

These items have allowed the group to showcase the members skills by putting on extra performances for the community. 

The group were awarded CIL funding of £1,431.69.

Sur Sangam Music and Arts

Smethwick Youth and Community Centre

Smethwick Gardening Club 

Smethwick Youth and Community Centre is a well-established registered charity that offers a passionate and professional service to the local community, by putting on programmes such as job search, employment support, welfare advice etc.

The organisation has been successful in receiving CIL funding to purchase items such as a wooden bench, decking, flower bed planters and an evacuation chair. This has enabled them to transform their unused roof space into a gardening project with disabled access.

The aim was for service users to learn how to grow fruits and vegetables. In addition, they have used their produce in the healthy cooking sessions which take place every Thursday.

This will enable participants from the local community to develop skills and knowledge in food and cooking as well as gardening. 

The group were awarded CIL funding of £3,494.65

Sandwell Churches Link

Sandwell Clothing Bank 

Sandwell Churches Link is a well-established registered charity that focuses on networking, building partnerships, collaborating and co-ordinating partners to work better together.

Sandwell Churches Link have connections with Global Aid Network UK where they have been able to distribute boxes of free clothes (clothes which would of gone to landfill, never worn, brand new clothing, old fashion, faulty) to 25 organisations (who work with people who are in need, vulnerable clients).

The group are receiving more boxes of clothing and therefore need facilities to help distribute the clothes effectively.

The organisation has been successful in receiving CIL funding to purchase items such as clothing racks, clothes rails, shoe racks, storage crates, screen divider panels and heaters.

This has enabled them to sort, store and display the items of clothing and shoes, keep the space tidy, safe and easy access when distributing the items and help more people in need.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £4,955.00

Sandwell Churches Link

St Hilda’s PCC

St Hilda's church hall refurbishment

St Hilda’s PCC is a registered charity that organises activities throughout the week, such as Coffee and Chat, Zumba, Mini Athletics and many more.

St Hilda’s church hall had not been decorated for over 10 years. Staff and members had noticed that the condition of the church hall had deteriorated. 

The organisation has been successful in receiving CIL funding to purchase materials to help them refurbish the hall to make it more welcoming.  The funding will also allow them to purchase chairs to improve the facilities for users.

This will improve the look of the hall and create a safe place for the community to attend and take part in different activities throughout the week. The refurbishment will also provide improved facilities and welcome new groups to use the hall.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £2,562.20

Ileys Community Association


Ileys CA is a thriving multipurpose community resource that provides a wide range of services, activities, and meeting spaces for people of all ages. 

The organisation noticed there was a demand in the community for ICT Training and access to ICT equipment. 

Ileys has been successful receiving CIL funding to purchase 12 desktop computers and anti-virus software.

This has enabled them to put on free ICT skills sessions Mondays and Thursdays 10am-12noon where they deliver basic ICT skills training.
As well as the ICT skills sessions the organisation has provided a 7-day service where the community can access the computers for any of their needs and in particular, supporting their Job Club users.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £4,428

Ileys Community Association

Gambian Islamic Community Centre


Gambian Islamic Community Centre was formed approximately 13 years ago with the purpose of providing a safe space for the local people to be able to engage, interact and complete activities.

The organisation runs two, weekly youth clubs, one for males and one for females, both are free of charge. There are approximately 35 children in total that attend.

The organisation has been successful in receiving CIL funding to purchase boxing equipment, a PlayStation, PlayStation games, football table, Jenga, Connect Four, Monopoly, chess and other board games.

This equipment was identified via a consultation with members of both youth clubs, as the groups had minimal facilities.

This equipment has enabled the young people to get involved in a range of activities including active sports and various games.

This equipment will encourage more young people to become a part of the youth clubs and increase their social activities in a safe environment.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £2,038.92

The Abrahamic Foundation

Chairish the Future

The Abrahamic Foundation is a well-established registered charity which formed in 2009. The purpose of the organisation is to make a difference in the community for different parts of the community.

The organisation has recently purchased the building next door to the Abrahamic Foundation due to reaching capacity at their current location. 

The Group have made improvements to the building to make it a useable space, which they want to develop into a permanent base for their youth-based activities. 

The organisation has been successful receiving CIL funding to purchase 40 foldable chairs and 40 stackable tables.

This equipment has enabled the organisation to deliver their youth provision at the new building and encouraged more youth engagement.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £4,410.00

Abrahamic Foundation

La Luz Life Coach and Wellbeing Services CIC

La Luz Self Défense

La Luz Life Coach and Wellbeing Services is a Community Interest Company which formed in 2022. The aim is to help the community’s mental health and identifying alternative ways to help support and prevent mental health problems.

The organisation trialled self-defence classes mixed with Thai box fit for women, as a six-week course, once a week on Friday 6pm-7pm at Sandwell Aquatic Centre. 

La Luz Life Coach CIC found there was a demand to keep the sessions running at the Sandwell Aquatic Centre and also had community organisations requesting them to teach the self-defence classes/Thai box fit in community centres across Smethwick.

La Luz Life Coach and Wellbeing CIC have recently been successful in receiving CIL funding for mats, Thai boxing equipment, full body pads, first aid equipment and trolleys to move the matts around and storage box.

This has enabled them to hold self-defence/Thai boxing in community centres, as well as continue at the Sandwell Aquatic Centre.

The group were awarded CIL funding of £1,226.30

Borough-wide projects

Smethwick is also benefiting from a number of borough-wide projects funded by town grants.