Day services can help you keep active, learn new skills and maintain friendships and social contacts. They can also give carers a break from their caring responsibilities.

You might prefer to arrange and pay for day services without involving us. Our Information Point directory lists organisations that run day centres and other similar services.

If you contact us for help, we will do a care and support assessment to work out what services you need and how much you would have to pay towards them. You may be able to get a personal budget to pay for some services, including activities in the community. Or you might want to employ a personal assistant to help you get out and about.

We will be able to talk with you about your situation and help you to get the services you need.

Our day services

We provide day services for older people at Walker Grange extra care housing scheme in Tipton. You don't have to live at the scheme to get a day service there. Walker Grange offers a service to older people and older people with mental health issues and is tailored to meet your individual needs where possible. The amount you will have to pay for the service will depend on your financial circumstances.

Walker Grange
Central Avenue
Tel: 0121 521 5673