Please be aware that our flats recycling scheme will be changing. Please keep checking this page for further updates.
Some flats, apartments and other buildings share a large communal bin(s).
If you use this type of bin for your rubbish please remember:
- Your bins will be collected every week.
- The big bin with the green lid is for household waste. Check what goes in your household waste bin.
- Some flats will also have a big bin with a blue lid, this is for recycling. Not every site will have a recycling bin. Find out what goes in your recycling bin. Some flats also have their own individual recycling bins.
- Household waste bins and recycling bins may be collected on different days.
- All waste and recycling must be put inside the bins. Rubbish and recycling that is not inside the bins will not be collected.
- The bins are for household waste and recycling only - no furniture or large or bulky items should be put in or around the bins.
- If you have larger items or furniture to dispose of these can be taken to the tip in Shidas Lane, Oldbury, or you can book a bulky collection.
- If you need information, including checking when the bins for your building are collected, speak to your site caretaker.