Making funeral arrangements when a person dies

When someone dies it can be a very distressing time for those who will be making the funeral arrangements, especially if there are concerns about how the funeral will be paid for.

It is normally a partner, executor or other family member who would be responsible for making funeral arrangements for a deceased person, and they would also be responsible for the costs.

If there are concerns about how you are going to pay for a funeral, it is important that you discuss this with your chosen funeral director as soon as possible, as once you have appointed a funeral director, and have entered into a contract with one; you are responsible for their costs.

Help with paying for a funeral

You may be entitled to a funeral payment from the Social Fund, if you or a partner is receiving certain benefits, such as Income Support, Income based Jobseeker's Allowance, Income related Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credits, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Working Tax Credits or Child Tax credit.

Further information about funeral payments, including an application form, can be found on the Government's website

Get help with funeral costs

For more information about Public Health Funerals please contact us.