The Government guidance on Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief for 2024/25 advises the following:

    1. Under the cash cap, no ratepayer can in any circumstances exceed the £110,000 cash cap across all of their hereditaments in England.
    2. Where a ratepayer has a qualifying connection with another ratepayer then those ratepayers should be considered as one ratepayer for the purposes of the cash caps. A ratepayer shall be treated as having a qualifying connection with another:

      a. where both ratepayers are companies, and
           i. one is a subsidiary of the other, or
           ii. both are subsidiaries of the same company; or
      b. where only one ratepayer is a company, the other ratepayer (the “second ratepayer”) has such an interest in that company as would, if the second ratepayer were a company, result in its being the holding company of the other.
    3. Furthermore, the Retail Hospitality and Leisure Scheme is likely to amount to subsidy. Any relief provided by local authorities under this scheme will need to comply with the UK’s domestic and international subsidy control obligations (See the BEIS guidance for public authorities which contains guidance and information for the UK subsidy control regime).
    4. To the extent that a local authority is seeking to provide relief that falls below the Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) thresholds, the Subsidy Control £315,000 in a three-year period (consisting of the 2025/26 year and the two previous financial years). MFA subsidies cumulate with each other and with other sudsidies that fall within the category of 'Minimal or SPEI financial assistance'. BEIS COVID-19 business grants and any other subsidies claimed under the Ssmall Amounts of Financial Assistance limit of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement should be counted towards the £315,000 allowance.
    5.  In those cases where it is clear to the local authority that the ratepayer is likely to breach the cash cap or the MFA limit then the authority should automatically withhold the relief. Otherwise, local authorities may include the relief in bills and ask the ratepayers, on a self-assessment basis, to inform the authority if they are in breach of the cash caps or MFA limit.

    It will be your responsibility to inform the council on a self-assessment basis if you are not eligible for the relief due to the cash cap