You can get small business rate relief if you occupy:

  • one property and its rateable value is less than £15,000 or
  • more than one property in England, where the rateable value of the other properties is less than £2,900. If you occupy more than one property then the total rateable value of all the occupied properties cannot be more than £19,999.

You can only get small business rate relief on a property if:

The amount you can be awarded depends on the rateable value of the property:

  • If the rateable value is £12,000 or below, you can get 100%
  • If the rateable value is between £12,001 and £14,999 the amount awarded will reduce on a sliding scale from 100% to 0%

If you take on a property that would disqualify you from receiving your existing small business rate relief then you will continue to receive your existing relief for 12 months.

If your property has a rateable value of less than £51,000, your bill will be calculated using the small business multiplier rather than the standard one, even if you do not qualify for small business rate relief. 

Apply for small business rate relief

Small Business Rate Relief Reviews

From November 2022 Sandwell will be commencing a review of businesses in receipt of Small Business Rate Relief.

The review will be carried out via an online form.

Businesses will be contacted by letter when they are required to complete the review.

Reminder – it is important when you are contacted that you complete the review form. Failure to respond may result in small Business Rate Relief being removed from your account.


If you have received a letter requesting you to complete a review form please click on the link below.

Completing a Small Business Rate Relief Review on receipt of a request