Below you will find information for candidates standing for election in Sandwell in the 2024 General Election.

Who is standing for election?

To see who is standing for election in each constituency, download the Statement of Persons Nominated.


Notices of Election

Notices of Election Agents

Display of election posters

Report malpractice

Situation of polling stations

Voter ID

Find full information about Voter ID requirements.

You can also find information for candidates on the Electoral Commission website.

Electoral meetings

Important updates

Candidates and agents must be aware of changes to the law around the handling of postal votes. Political campaigners cannot handle postal votes for other electors who are not close relatives or someone for whom they provide regular care. This will be covered in briefings and more information can be found on the Electoral Commission website.

It's also important that you are aware of changes to how people hand in postal votes that are not returned in the post.

Candidates and agents should also be aware of changes to voting from overseas.

At the count

This useful video for counting assistants will tell you more about how counting is done after the election.

What happens to postal votes?

This useful video shows you what happens to postal votes.

Results of previous elections

You can view the results of previous elections.

Political make-up of Sandwell Council

Sandwell is a Labour-controlled council divided into 24 wards represented by 72 ward councillors.

Check the current political make-up of Sandwell Council.

All elections documents

View a list of all documents relating to the 2024 General Election