Oxford Road is a supported housing development in West Bromwich. It is made up of a mixture of bungalows and flats in a safe and modern environment.
The development gives people the opportunity to live as independently as possible, while being able to access additional care and support tailored to their needs.
Oxford Road offers affordable supported living accommodation and links in with one of the council’s top priorities.
You can watch our virtual tour to find out more.
What is available?
There are 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and 2 bedroom bungalows for people to rent from the council. Some have been specially adapted for people with different needs. Each property is equipped with a community alarm.
Adults who need care and support will be given priority when allocating properties on the development.
There are 35 bungalows and 58 apartments in total on the new development. All have safety features built in to help you stay as independent as possible, whilst feeling secure at all times.
Who can access the accommodation?
Any adult with a long term condition, a registered disability, or who has a need for care and support.
Will I be able to carry over my current care providers?
Yes, you will be given Direct Payments so you can source the care you want. We can help you do this.
What facilities are on site/ nearby?
There is a restaurant and hairdressers nearby that is accessible to Oxford Road tenants. Oxford Road is located next to shops and local transport links.
Can I bring my pet?
Some pets may be allowed at Oxford Road. You will be assessed to ensure you can look after the pet beforehand.
Will there be storage for mobility scooters?
Yes, there are areas to store mobility scooters.
How can I register interest?
People can express interest online or through Sandwell Enquiry.
What does it all cost?
There are different costs associated with the new properties, and you may qualify for help with these costs. We can assist you to look into this further.
Other useful information
New tenants will have a 12 month introductory tenancy, whilst existing secure tenants will be able to transfer the security to their new property.
Succession rights will be forfeited when tenants move into Oxford Road. Tenants will not be able to buy a property under Right to Buy.
If there is a change in care needs, support will be available for the surviving spouse/family member to move to a new property.
Did you know?
The council may be able to offer incentives to you if you are an existing council tenant downsizing into one of the Oxford Road properties. This includes cash incentives for number of bedrooms being reduced.
Call Sandwell Enquiry on 0121 569 2266 or email sandwell_enquiry@sandwell.gov.uk