Get your rent account into credit now, pay a little extra on top of your current rent now to reduce the risk of being in arrears when you are switched over to Universal Credit.
Bank account:
Make sure you have a bank account or a similar account so you can receive payments.
Think Direct Debit:
It’s the quickest and easiest way to pay your rent.
Get used to budgeting for monthly payments:
Universal Credit is paid once a month in arrears, so you will need to make sure you pay your rent first and other bills, leaving enough money for essentials for the rest of the month.
Managing Your Money – get help now with your budgeting:
Contact the Welfare Rights advice line 0121 569 3158 or email the Welfare Rights Team.
Apply for Local Council Tax Reduction:
Make sure you make a separate claim for Local Council Tax Reduction.
Have the right information to hand:
Check you have the relevant information to make your Universal Credit claim:
- postcode
- national insurance number
- bank or similar account details
- accommodation details
- savings
- income details
- childcare costs
- child benefit reference numbers
- photo ID (e.g. driving licence or passport)
- details of any other benefits
Get online
Make sure you have a valid email address – if you need help with this, contact UC Start support at Citizens Advice Sandwell on 0121 726 3408.