When will Universal Credit affect Sandwell Job Centre Plus Offices?
Universal Credit will be rolled out in Smethwick, Tipton, West Bromwich and Oldbury from Wednesday 14 November 2018.
Which benefits will Universal Credit replace?
Universal Credit will replace the following benefits; Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits and Housing Benefit
How can I claim Universal Credit?
Universal Credit is designed to be an online benefit so that each claimant can make a claim online and then personally manage their claim directly through an online account. The DWP state that “Claimants who cannot get online or use a computer will get support to complete their online claim for Universal Credit.
What is included in my Universal Credit payment?
Universal Credit is made up of any standard allowance and a potential further five elements these being; Child Element / Disabled Child Additions • Childcare Element • Carer Element • Limited Capability for Work Element • Housing Element. Any award made will be based on a claimant’s personal circumstances.
Will Universal Credit be paid weekly or monthly?
Universal Credit will be paid monthly in arrears.
Do I need to make a separate claim for Council Tax Relief?
The Government has said that no-one will be worse-off as a result of moving onto the Universal Credit, because the Government will provide ‘cash protection’ when individuals switch over to the Universal Credit.
So if you were moved onto the Universal Credit and it looked like you would end up worse-off, the Government has said it will provide a top-up payment to keep your income at the same level as your previous benefit.However this protection would not be permanent – if your circumstances changed your income would no longer be guaranteed.