30 hours for foster carers
3 and 4 year old children in foster care will be eligible for 30 hours of childcare if their foster carers meet the eligibility criteria and it is consistent with the child’s care plan. You must speak to your supervising social worker to see if you meet the criteria before completing an application form.
Children in foster care will be able to receive 30 Hours Funded Childcare the term after the child turns 3 if the following criteria are met:
- Accessing the extended hours is consistent with the child’s care plan, placing the child at the centre of the process and decision making,
- The foster carers must live in England
Eligibility Criteria
In single parent foster families:
- The foster carer must engage in paid work outside their role as a foster carer (no set minimum hours)
- The foster carer does not earn more than £100,000 a year
In two-parent foster families:
- Both partners engage in paid work outside their role as a foster carer (no set minimum hours)
- The foster carers do not earn more than £100,000 a year each
- If one partner is working outside fostering and the other partner is in receipt of the following qualifying benefits:
- Universal Credit - assessed as having limited capability for work
- National Insurance credits because of incapacity or limited capability for work
- Carer’s Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Incapacity Benefit
- Severe Disablement Allowance
In families where only one person is the approved foster carer:
- The approved foster carer must engage in paid work outside their role as a foster carer
- The partner (of the foster carer) is in qualifying paid work and earning a minimum of the equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum/national living wage and does not earn more than £100,000 a year OR
- The partner (of the foster carer) is in receipt of the following qualifying benefits:
- Universal Credit - assessed as having limited capability for work
- National Insurance credits because of incapacity or limited capability for work
- Carer’s Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Incapacity Benefit
- Severe Disablement Allowance
How to apply