Get Involved - Current Schemes

Below is a number of up-to-date grants and schemes to help tackle climate change and protect the environment, for individuals, businesses, schools and community groups: 

Business grants to help you achieve ‘Net Zero in Sandwell’

Sandwell Council (with funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund) is taking applications from eligible SME businesses for grants of up to £100k (at an intervention rate of up to 50 per cent of the total project cost). The grant will help you achieve energy reduction measures after undergoing an energy audit via the Decarbonisation Net Zero Programme – find out more here.

Business Information Sessions

We’re holding a series of events funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund called ‘Net Zero Navigators’. We’re holding them for businesses in Sandwell, to help you take your first steps on your journey to net zero. We’ve had two in the series so far, one about energy efficiency support and one to support businesses in circular economy practices. They are free to attend, so head to the events page for more upcoming sessions and other events to help out your business.


Eco Schools

Starting in September 2024, we are funding the first year's subscription for schools to join the Eco Schools Programme, where schools can follow a provides a simple, seven-step framework which empowering young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond. Interested in getting involved? Email the climate change team

Sustainable Travel for Schools

We support schools to get involved with a number of sustainable travel schemes such as Mode Shift STARS, Living Streets and Bikeability:

  • Living Streets provide walk, cycle and scoot resources to primary schools to encourage children to get moving. See our Road Safety Education page for more information.
  • Schools can encourage parents, pupils and school staff to travel sustainably during home to school journeys by setting up a travel plan. Schools can register with Modeshift STARS and then set up a national standard school travel plan, for free. This is described further in Sandwell's Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy (SMOTS). Email or phone 0121 569 4261 for more information.
  • During Key Stage 2, Year 6, pupils are given the chance to participate in on-road cycle training. This is a basic course designed to give children confidence to cycle on the roads and to practice the routines they need to manoeuvre safely at junctions. For more information please email Sandwell Bikeability


SCVO Funding Digest 

Sandwell Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a charitable organisation based in Sandwell which supports Sandwell’s Voluntary and Community Sector, comprised of voluntary-run community groups, charities, not-for-profit businesses, faith communities and social enterprises.

Click here to see their latest Funding Digest for latest funding news and opportunities - current sustainability opportunities include:

  • Ashen Trust LESS CO2 Sustainable Schools Programme (UK) – Deadline: Rolling
  • Arriva Save Our Wild Isle Community Fund (UK) - Deadline: Rolling
  • Aviva Community Fund for Innovative Community Projects (UK) - Deadline: Rolling
  • B&Q Community Re-Use Scheme (UK) – Deadline: Rolling
  • DPD Eco Fund for Green Projects (UK) – Deadline: Rolling
  • Edward Cadbury Trust (The) (West Midlands) - Deadline: Rolling
  • Forestry Commission (The) Urban Tree Challenge Fund (England) – Deadline: Rolling
  • Mortgage Advice Bureau Foundation (The) Grants for Sustainable Community Projects (England, Scotland, and Wales) – Deadline: Rolling
  • National Lottery Community Fund (The) Funding to Support Community Projects that Reduce Energy Consumption (UK) – Deadline: Rolling
  • NatureSave Trust (The) Grants to Help Reduce Waste and Over Consumption (UK) – Deadline: Rolling
  • Ninevah Trust (The) Funding for Projects that Promote a Better Understanding of the Environment and Countryside (UK) – Deadline: Rolling
  • npower Business Solutions Foundation (The) Funding to Create Stronger, Greener, & More Sustainable Communities (West Midlands & Yorkshire) - Deadline: Rolling
  • Power to Change Funding to Retrofit Buildings with Energy-Generating or Saving Technologies (England) – Deadline: Rolling
  • Samuel William Farmer Trust (UK) - Deadline: Rolling
  • Turner Trust (The) (Birmingham, the Black Country and Worcestershire) – Deadline: Rolling
  • Vegan Society Grants (UK) – Deadline: Rolling
  • William A Cadbury Charitable Trust (Birmingham and the West Midlands – Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire & Herefordshire) – Deadline: Rolling
  • Woodroffe Benton Foundation (The) (UK) – Deadline: Rolling