What should you do if you experience anti-social behaviour?
Nuisance neighbours
If you have a problem with your neighbour, you should attempt to discuss the matter with them before approaching us or the police unless you think that it is unsafe to do so.
If the problem has been going on for some time, it would be helpful if you could make a note of the issues. Where appropriate, this might include times, dates, descriptions, vehicle registrations, etc.
If you feel you or your family are in immediate danger due to anti-social behaviour, you should call the police on 999.
If you have any other concerns in relation to anti-social behaviour, but are not in any immediate danger, please visit the West Midlands Police website where you can find helpful advice or use their Live Chat facility. Always make a note of any reference numbers you receive as this may help us if we have to speak to the police later on.
Reporting anti-social behaviour
Some types of anti-social behaviour should be reported to the council, not the police. Some types of anti-social behaviour can be reported to either organisation.
You can use this online form to report the problems listed below:
- Drunken behaviour and street drinking
- Domestic abuse
- Drug taking or dealing, properties used as 'crackhouses'
- Neglected gardens
- Hate crime
- Loud music, neighbours or vehicles
- Misuse of communal areas or public spaces
- Nuisance parking
- Physical violence and assault
- Prostitution or kerb crawling
- Vandalism and damage to property
- Verbal abuse, harassment and intimidation
- Other criminal behaviour
Some other ASB problems can be dealt with by other parts of the council. You can also report those online:
- Report dumped rubbish (fly tipping)
- Report graffiti
- Report dog fouling
- Report nuisance motorbikes (including off-road bikes)
- Report commercial or industrial noise
To speak to someone about noise nuisance, please call our environmental health team on 0121 368 1177 (Option 7) .
You could also contact your local councillor.