Domestic abuse has a devastating impact on victims, their families, friends and the wider community.
Strategic Partnerships in Sandwell, supported by Sandwell Council, have a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of abuse.
With our partners, we are committed to working together to tackle and eradicate violent and controlling behaviours, along with supporting and developing a robust prevention offer through effective early intervention building on what is strong in Sandwell.
We pledge:
- To work together effectively to ensure that all forms of abuse including domestic abuse and sexual assault and abuse will not be tolerated in Sandwell.
- That everyone regardless of their race, religion or beliefs, gender, disability or sexual orientation can expect equality and respect in their relationships and interactions with agencies. This will enable anyone who becomes a victim of domestic abuse or sexual assault and abuse to engage with services.
- To work in partnership with victims and survivors to ensure their voices are heard. That victims/survivors and their families are supported by organisations working in partnership to ensure a co-ordinated community response where victims feel protected and safe to recover from the trauma of their abuse.
- That domestic abuse perpetrators subject to statutory disposals (i.e. sentenced at court) complete interventions to address their offending and that controls are in place to protect victims. Work will continue to address all perpetrators of abuse.
- That communities are actively engaged and enabled to build on their strengths to better understand abuse and support the creation of preventative solutions reducing the risk of abuse.
Signed by:
Councillor Kerrie Carmichael, Leader of Sandwell Council
Councillor Danny Millard, Cabinet Member for Communities
Alice Davey, Director of Borough Economy
Supported by:
Sandwell Domestic Abuse Strategic Partnership
Safer Sandwell Partnership Local Police and Crime Board
Sandwell Safeguarding Adults Board
Sandwell Children’s Safeguarding Partnership
Sandwell Health and Wellbeing Board
Domestic abuse support
A wide range of support for people affected by domestic abuse is available in Sandwell.