Keeping Sandwell Clean and Safe - banner with council logo

Licensed Premise Inspections

An inspection took place on a retail premises following the sale of a knife to a 15-year-old young person. The inspection revealed 731 packs of cigarettes which were not labelled correctly for the UK market and were believed to be duty and VAT evaded, 56 oversized vapes that did not comply with UK legislation, 4827 tobacco products including pouches placed in the mouth that had been banned from the UK market for many years, 5 bottles of sparkling wine falsely described as Prosecco and 690 packs of Sildenafil which can only be supplied by a pharmacist. There were also 2 counterfeit Nokia mobile phones, and the premises license was not displayed. The premise license has now been revoked, and the license holder has 21 days to appeal to the magistrate’s court.

Pack of two knives      Bottle of wine front and back

Abandoned vehicles

Environmental Protection Officers have been investigating 260 reports of abandoned vehicles, which has led to a total of 77 vehicles being removed from the public highway. Of those vehicles, 66 were untaxed.

 Abandoned vehicle being lifted for removal

Update on street racing injunction

A High Court injunction banning street racing in the Black Country remains in force, with a review hearing being held on Wednesday 26 February.

The injunction, led by the City of Wolverhampton Council on behalf of the Black Country councils and supported by West Midlands Police, prohibits people from participating, as a driver, rider or passenger, in a gathering of two or more people where some of those present engage in car racing, vehicular stunts or other dangerous or obstructive driving.

Street Racing Banned in the Black Country Logo

Clampdown on illegal cigarettes

Sandwell Council’s Trading Standards along with HMRC undertook a joint operation at a retail premises in Smethwick, where illegal cigarettes, tobacco and vapes were discovered under the counter, in a secure concealment in the staff bathroom and on full display in the shop.  All illegal items were seized and the total retail value is around £59,730.

This is another example of how joined up working with partner agencies can develop significant disruption of shops that are making money from the sale of illegal goods.

Hidden concealment of illegal cigarettes in staff bathroom

Clampdown on organised and violet crime, road safety, anti-social behaviour and shop thefts

Sandwell Council Teams along with West Midlands Police carried out targeted activity, Operation Advance, in response to concerns from residents.  More than 20 arrests were made, aswell as seizing more than 20 vehicles and taking drugs and weapons off the streets we tackled the issues that mean the most to the people of Sandwell.

Trading Standards also visited two shop premises where over 4200 illegal cigarettes and tobacco items were seized, worth around £900,000 in value. One of the premises were found to have tampered with the electricity supply, having diverted approximately £23,000 of electricity from an adjoining residential premises.

Joint teams outside bus station

Read the full news release here

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