Have your say on how Sandwell reviews funding to voluntary and community sector organisations
Sandwell Council is conducting a review of funding administered by the council to voluntary and community sector organisations in the borough and wants to know your views.
The review is part of the council’s transformation journey and aims to ensure its activity is fully aligned to the strategic outcomes articulated in the approved Council Plan 2024-2027 and supports our Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Sandwell Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Community, Councillor Susanne Hartwell, said:
“As a council, we recognise the important role of the community and voluntary sector in realising our ambitions for the borough. This review will evaluate the value for money achieved through the current approach and identify ways of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of grant administration and the allocation of funding to improve outcomes for residents of Sandwell.”
The council is committed to keeping organisations regularly updated on the progress of the review and is determined that voluntary and community sector organisations in Sandwell have the opportunity to meet with us and give us their views.
Any proposals or decisions arising from this review will be considered as part of the council’s budget setting process for the 2025/26 financial year.
Details of the review are available at Sandwell Council - Citizen Space
The survey closes Friday, 25 October 2024. Please click on the link below to complete the survey: https://consultationhub.sandwell.gov.uk/exvcs/c3404f4f