Dog mess is a nuisance that upsets many people when it gets on their shoes and it's a public health hazard, particularly to children who play at parks and play areas.
We find this unacceptable and are sure you do too. It also unfairly gives responsible dog owners a bad name and costs council taxpayers' money to clean up.
We know the vast majority of dog owners clean up after their dogs, but sadly a small number do not.
People who do not clean up after their dogs in Sandwell face getting a £100 fine.
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) covers the whole of Sandwell and was renewed and extended on 1 March 2024, for 3 years. It requires a person in charge of a dog to pick up their dog's mess and have a receptacle on them, such as a dog poo bag to enable this. The order also now excludes dogs from enclosed children’s play areas and other enclosed sports areas.
If the person fails to comply with the PSPO, they face a £100 fixed penalty or prosecution with a maximum penalty of £1,000.
If you think that your area is particularly affected you can ask our waste partner Serco to paint temporary stencils on the pavement.
How you can help?
We ask for your help in tackling this problem by reporting dog mess and telling us who is not clearing up after their dog.
This will help us to take action against irresponsible dog owners and also get the mess cleaned up.
If you see someone who doesn't clean up after their dog and wish to report them, the following information would be helpful to us:
Time and date the offence was committed
Precise location of the offence
Description of the person in charge of the dog, including clothing worn
Identity of the person, if known, and how you know them
Description of the dog concerned and dog's name, if known
What you observed at the time of the offence
Any conversation that may have taken place
All of this information is of great value to the investigating officer and increases the likelihood of a conviction.
Please contact us with information on dog mess and who is not cleaning up after their dog by:
Calling us on 0121 368 1177 (Option 2)