Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is sometimes referred to as female circumcision and is mostly carried out on young girls.

It is any procedure that's designed to alter or injure female genital organs for non-medical reasons and is illegal in the UK. It is also illegal to arrange for anyone to be taken abroad for FGM.

What should you do if you think someone is at risk of FGM?

If they are still in the country - please call the police on 101 (or 999 if an emergency).
If they are are outside of the UK - contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 020 7008 1500. From overseas the number is +44 (0)20 7008 1500.
You can also call the FGM helpline on 0808 028 3550.
For local information and advice please contact Sandwell's Safeguarding Children Team on 0121 569 4800.

Sandwell Policy and Procedures to address Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Professionals, volunteers and individuals coming across FGM for the first time can feel shocked, upset, helpless and unsure of how to respond appropriately to ensure that children are protected from harm. They may be afraid of tackling the issue due to perceived cultural sensitivities.  However, it is important for this issue to be addressed, and women and girls to be safeguarded.

Sandwell councils Domestic Abuse Strategic Partnership have developed an FGM policy and procedures document which covers both adults and children’s workforces to provide guidance for frontline professionals and their managers, individuals in Sandwell’s local communities and community groups on:

  • Identifying when a child may be at risk of being subjected to FGM and responding appropriately to protect the child;
  • Identifying when a child has been subjected to FGM and responding appropriately to support the child and;
  • Measures which can be implemented to prevent and ultimately eliminate the practice of FGM.

This procedure should be read in conjunction with Sandwell adult and child safeguarding procedures.