To report a stray dog call Noah's Ark on 0333 577 5070 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Outside these hours, and on weekends or bank holidays, please call 01733 740426.
We will only collect stray dogs within Sandwell. If you see a dog straying in another area, you will need to contact the relevant council.
We will not deal with vicious dogs, or dogs seen as aggressive. If you believe that a dog is vicious or aggressive, please contact your local police station by calling 101.
Lost and found dogs
If you have lost a dog, or you have found a dog and you want to keep it, let us know by filling in this form.
Reclaiming a lost dog
If your dog is picked up by our dog warden, you will be charged a fee when you claim your dog. This fee will need to be paid before your dog is released back to you and will include daily kenneling costs.
Dogs are kept at the kennels for seven days. If a dog is not collected by its owner after seven days, it can be re-homed.
Your dog needs to be microchipped by the time that it is eight weeks old.
The owner of any dog that is found without a microchip can be served with a notice requiring the owner to have their dog microchipped within 21 days. The owner will then need to provide proof that their dog has been microchipped and registered on an approved database within the 21 days. Failure to do this is an offence, subject to a fine of up to £500.