The Asset Management and Compliance Strategy will guide the future shape and direction of our property assets, including houses, commercial property and garages, from 2025 to 2030. It presents a clear plan for how we will address key asset management challenges, working in collaboration with residents and partners to build sustainable and cohesive communities across Sandwell.

We understand that homes are much more than bricks and mortar, playing a pivotal role in meeting the needs and aspirations of our residents. Therefore, this strategy outlines an approach that makes the most of our assets, ensuring that we meet the needs of existing and potential customers. This includes providing high-quality, energy-efficient homes, alongside a housing service that is customer-focussed, supportive, accountable and professional.

This is important as not everyone in Sandwell has access to the warm and secure homes that are needed to ensure that communities thrive and grow. Such homes are also integral for providing the best start for the borough’s children and young people.

By achieving the strategic housing objectives set out in this strategy, we will support the delivery of the commitments in the Council Plan 2024-2027 specifically on the themes of Living in Sandwell, Thriving Economy in Sandwell and Healthy in Sandwell.

Housing Asset Management and Compliance Strategy 2025-2030

Housing Asset Management and Compliance Strategy 2025 – 2030 Action Plan