The Healthy Homes Project officer can provide a range of support to vulnerable residents, regardless of whether they are a home owner, a council tenant, live in social housing or private rented accommodation. Here are some examples;
- A resident wanting to down size, not being able to deal with bills getting repairs done.
- Look at how the client can be more energy efficient in their home - small changes that make a difference.
- Help eligible residents to access the Warm Homes Discount – a one-off reduction of £140 to electricity bills
- Getting aids and adaptations for the client - making life easier and safer: - whether it is CoPD, respiratory problems, broken hip, arthritis etc.
- Using the Handy Persons Scheme – 3 hours per year and we also give £100 towards materials.
- Information on travel options for residents – Ring and Ride, taxis, Blue Badge.
- Useful information about other services – Welfare Rights, waste collection, NHS.
- Getting support in the home from carers - daily, weekly – to provide personal care, housework etc.
- Help for hoarders or recluses – when the client needs extra care and guidance to find their way without feeling pressurised
- Help and guidance when residents have returned from hospital – changes that need to be made such as beds to be moved, furniture removed etc.
If you or someone you know think the Healthy Homes scheme can help, you can request a referral form by emailing or you can download the referral form or call on 0121 569 2266
Keeping warm
Keeping warm throughout winter is really important. Simple things like wearing more layers, getting up and about all help to keep the cold at bay. "Keep Warm, Keep Well" is a national publication that has lots of advice for keeping warm during the winter months.