There are several ways you can reduce your Council Tax bill.
Council Tax amendments will be actioned and enquiries responded to within 4 weeks
Single person discount
A single person discount of 25% may be awarded where there is only one adult over the age of 18 living at a property. You can apply for a discount, remove your discount or get information on our single person discount reviews on our single person discount page.
Reductions for people with disabilities
You may be entitled to a Council Tax disabled reduction if you are disabled or have a disabled person living with you.
Full time students, student nurses and foreign language assistants can claim a discount of up to 100% on their Council Tax bill. Visit our student page for more information and to apply for your discount.
Other discounts
Council Tax is calculated on the basis that there two or more people above the age of 18 residing in a property. When counting the number of occupants some people are ignored (disregarded) for Council Tax purposes.
A number of Council Tax discounts can be claimed as long as certain criteria is met.
Any job-related property which is not somebody's sole or main residence may be considered as a second home and will attract a 50% discount.
Homes for Ukraine Scheme
You may be entitled to a 50% reduction on your Council Tax if you have made the decision to source your own accommodation and have been awarded a Visa under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.
Visit our Homes for Ukraine page for more information and to apply for the discount.
A full exemption from Council Tax may apply for both occupied and unoccupied properties.
A number of Council Tax exemptions can be claimed as long as certain criteria is met.
Please note the following properties no longer receive any discount or exemption and are liable for 100% of their Council Tax bill:
- empty and unfurnished
- empty and furnished
- undergoing major works/structural repairs
- non job-related second home.
Any property which has been empty and unfurnished for one years or more will be charged an additional 100% Empty Homes premium. In any such case this will mean that you will be liable for 200%, 300% or 400% of your Council Tax bill, dependant upon whether your property has been empty for 1 year or more; 5 years or more or over 10 years.
From 01 April 2025 any property which is empty and furnished will be charged an additional 100% Second Homes premium. 200% council tax will be payable from the date a property becomes empty but furnished, regardless of any change in ownership.
Flood relief
In December 2017 the government introduced a Flood Recovery Framework which provides local authorities in England with a core package of business and community recovery support.
If a severe weather event with a significant wide area (such as nationwide storms) impacts on residents and businesses in the Sandwell area, we may be able to reduce the amount of Council Tax and Business rates payable in certain situations. The Government will determine when such relief can apply. Sandwell’s Flood Relief Policy provides details of assistance available should the Government declare a flood zone in Sandwell.
Council Tax reduction
Council Tax reduction is a means tested benefit, which is paid to people to help pay their Council Tax.
Find out how to apply for Council Tax Reduction.
Overpaid your Council Tax
After a discount or exemption has been awarded, your Council Tax account might be in credit. If this is the case, you may be able to claim a Council Tax refund.
Dispute liability
If you believe that your liability to pay Council Tax is incorrect then you need to tell us immediately. Our disputing liability page gives you details about how to do this.
Third Party Authorisation
Please be aware that we can only discuss an account with the person named on the bill. If you want someone else to be able to contact us on your behalf please fill in our Third Party Authorisation form.
Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy
Sandwell MBC may consider awarding relief on certain Council Tax accounts under section 13(a) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992
The situations where relief may apply are set out in the Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy. This policy covers the possibility of awarding relief for a number of circumstances such as extreme financial hardship, crisis, long term empty homes, specific government schemes and young people leaving the care system (care leavers)
Please note that there is no automatic entitlement to discretionary relief. Each case will be treated strictly on its own merits in accordance with the criteria and process set out by the Council.
If you feel you may be eligible for Discretionary Relief, please contact the Revenues and Benefits Service on 0121 368 1155 to discuss your circumstances. We will issue a 'Section 13A' Application Form if appropriate.