Is it an emergency?

When someone is distressed or hurt they may need immediate help. Make sure the person is safe. Call 999 for the police or other emergency services.

Not an emergency?

If you are worried about someone, or know or suspect abuse, act now.

Report it

  • Call us on 0121 569 2266 or email us We are open from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 5pm on Fridays. Outside these hours call 0121 569 2355.
  • Tell the manager on duty at the service where the person is.

Action may need to be taken against the abuser and the circumstances investigated to prevent further harm.

If you have contact with adults at risk- as a carer, volunteer, personal assistant, or through working in health or social care - you should report your concerns on our Adult Safeguarding Concern Form.

What happens?

Find out what will happen when you report abuse.

Find out more

Domestic abuse advice and support

See Something, Do Something