There are a number of Bus Lanes in operation in Sandwell. Bus Lanes improve public transport reliability, bus journey times and encourage sustainable travel.

If you drive illegally in a Bus Lane you may receive a penalty charge notice.

The term Bus Lanes can be used to refer to bus lanes, bus only streets, bus gates or contraflows.  

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

A £70 charge will apply if a violation occurs. This charge is reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days of the notice date. If the PCN remains unpaid within 28 days this charge is increased to £105.

Pay a penalty charge notice or appeal


Fixed Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras mounted on street lighting columns will detect unauthorised vehicles illegally driving in the bus lanes and record the footage. This data is transmitted securely and uploaded onto the Council’s system.

The footage is reviewed by authorised personnel who will identify each contravention recorded on the system and issue a Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) to the registered keeper/owner/hirer of the vehicle.

If a contravention has occurred, a PCN will be sent to the address of the registered keeper/owner/hirer of the vehicle, by post, within 28 days of the date of the alleged contravention. The PCN will be accompanied by photographic evidence of the contravention.

Locations, restrictions, operation and vehicle use

The council may decide to use CCTV to enforce bus lanes across the Borough where the restrictions are being contravened. 

Check the signs at the start of bus lanes and the bus-only street before entering. Only buses, Hackney Carriages and pedal cycles (and emergency vehicles in an emergency) are allowed in bus lanes and the bus-only street in Sandwell. Private hire vehicles are NOT allowed in bus lanes or the bus-only street.

A Hackney Carriage is a taxi with a meter which is licensed to wait on taxi ranks, collect passengers from a taxi rank and is available to be hailed in the street (ply for hire). Licences for hackney carriage vehicles and drivers are granted under the provisions of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and Town Police Clauses Act 1889, as applied by the Public Health Act 1875 and the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. A private hire vehicle is not licenced to collect passengers from ranks or to be hailed in the street, but is licensed to be hired by prior arrangement only.

Identification of bus-only streets, bus lanes and bus gates

Bus lanes are marked with a solid thick white line and the appropriate road markings. Bus Only Streets are marked with Bus Gate road markings. Road signs positioned at the start of the Bus Lane and Bus Only Streets stipulate days/times of operation and the restrictions that apply. If the time is not provided on the sign, the bus lane operates 24 hours a day.
Intermittent white lines breaking up the solid white line identify an area where vehicles are permitted to cross the bus lane. An example of this is for vehicles turning left to access a side street.
Bus gates are defined as short bus lanes which allow buses to make a manoeuvre that other vehicles are not permitted, or to allow buses to get ahead of the traffic. 

How can I avoid a fine?

You should check the signs at the start of the bus lane or bus-only street before entering to avoid a Penalty Charge Notice.

Every driver in Sandwell is responsible for making sure they comply with all traffic regulations. Using Sat-Nav is not an accepted excuse for contravening regulations by entering a bus lane or bus-only street: you will still be held responsible.

If in doubt, stay out!

View The Highway Code

Representations (appeals)

If you receive a PCN and think you have a valid reason to appeal, the PCN will explain the appeals process.

Read more about civil parking and bus lane enforcement.