Service Provider Name
Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
In-patient regional low secure service for men with learning disabilities and complex health needs, some of whom may have come into contact with the criminal justice system.
Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Heath Lane Hospital
Heath Lane
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B71 2BG
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
0121 612 8408
No email address available
Area covered
West Midlands Health Authority area
Who is the service for?
Males aged 18-70 living in the West Midlands Regional Health Authority area who have learning disabilities and complex mental health needs and who have been diverted or transferred from the criminal justice system.
Referral route
Referrals from Consultant Psychiatrists within Community Learning Disability Teams, Probation Services, Courts, and Specialist Commissioning Team (West Midlands). Members of the admission panel screen all potential admissions. All admissions are planned.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
24-hour treatment in a low-secure, hospital environment. A consultant psychiatrist leads a range of staff in caring for someone. The nurses build therapeutic relationships with a patient and involve patients in their own care planning, and make sure they are fully aware of their rights. Support includes occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, psychologists, physiotherapists and a full range of educational and recreational activities. Staff members have a range of ways to support someone towards feeling better both mentally and physically.
When are the services run?
7 days a week
Time details
24 hours a day
The aim is to create a secure, supportive, and caring treatment environment. This gives patients the chance to become responsible members of the community, living as independently as possible.
Chargeable service?
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable