We support carers who give regular, substantial care to someone who: lives in Sandwell; has mental health difficulties; is aged between 18 and 65.
Referral route
Self referral or referral from Trust staff
Specific ethnic group?
The service is open to all but they offer specialist support to Asian carers, and organise regular BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) support groups
Summary of services
The main service is a specialist carer's assessment which will be carried out and will result in a care plan that covers the psycho-educational, social and financial needs of the carer. This care plan is then reviewed annually and information and practical support is provided. Support is through information, advice, and guidance on a range of things given either informally, in 1-to-1 support visits, or in educational group sessions. They can arrange respite breaks for carers. and social events for carers to meet one another. They give health screenings to carers, and arrange well-being groups that carers can come to. Evening visits are available for carers who are not free in the daytime and they host a Carers Forum in the evening.