Service Provider Name
BUDS (Better Understanding of Dementia for Sandwell)
BUDS aims to improve the quality of life of people experiencing Dementia and their families and carers in Sandwell
Barlow Community Hall
Pound Road
West Midlands
Post Code
B68 8NB
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above, also various venues in the community for the Activity Sessions, and in people's own homes.
0121 565 3721
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
Carers aged 18 + who care for people with dementia
Referral route
Please call direct, or complete a referral form available on our website, or be referred by a health professional on your behalf.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
BUDS offer a comprehensive package of person centred support to individuals, family carers, professionals and volunteers. This enables all those involved to feel supported and empowered in their journey through dementia. Offers weekly clubs across Sandwell to provide opportunities for people with dementia and their carers to socialise, receive support and companionship, have fun, enjoy a hot meal and take part in a variety of stimulating activities. They also offer a regular respite break from their caring role. Carer support – an Outreach Worker offers initial support to carers and other relatives, with information, advice and support with any issues they are facing, either at the BUDS Centre, in their own homes, or over the phone. Befriending Service - weekly visits by trained volunteers to people with dementia in their own homes, to provide companionship and regular breaks for the family carer.
When are the services run?
Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm.
Time details
The times for befriending, carer support, outreach and Dementia training vary.
Chargeable service?
Yes - for the Activity Sessions and for Dementia Awareness training.
Cost of service
Please contact us for more details of cost.
Means tested
Total capacity of service
Capacity varies according to the service.
Transport Provided
Yes for the Activity Sessions.
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable