Service Provider Name
Care Through the Millennium
Residential and transitional services for both people with learning disabilities and people with mental health needs
Primrose Hill Farm
Kings Norton
West Midlands
Post Code
B38 9QW
Where do they provide service from?
Within homes and community based settings as chosen and agreed by the individuals we support. Primrose Hill Farm has 7 homes totalling 39 beds plus Haddon and Manningford homes. There is also a 5 bed transitional home called Elmfield for people with learning disabilities who have very high or forensic needs. For all of their locations and number of beds please see the website.
Expiry of services
We have received placement from Sandwell long term and our services have permanent or shorter term availability
0121 433 5666
0121 314 2453
Contact position
Business and Marketing Consultant
Contact's mobile number
07879 996960
Area covered
Care Through the Millennium have received placements from all over the West Midlands including Sandwell. For all of their locations please see the website above.
Who is the service for?
We provide and receive placements for adults with either a learning disability or mental health needs, from medium up to very complex and challenging needs. We have available high quality housing and care support with external and internal day opportunities all within safe and spacious environments.
Referral route
Contact for referrals, interests and visits are made through Andrew Pritchard (contact details above) following which appropriate assessments are made by highly experienced senior staff.
Specific ethnic group?
All our services are able to meet the needs of individuals from all ethnic backgrounds.
Summary of services
We provide 24 hour residential and transitional services for people with learning disabilities or mental health needs in exceptional facilities, with highly trained staff and access to a range of community opportunities.
When are the services run?
As a residential and transitional service our services operate 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Time details
See above
Providing a personalised service, with each individual central to the support provided based on their individual choice, health and wellbeing.
Chargeable service?
Services are at the cost assessed and agreed with the funding authorities.
Cost of service
Costs vary according to each individual's needs and are assessed appropriately.
Means tested
Each individual is means tested in respect of the benefits they receive, which is taken into account within the funding made to each placement.
Total capacity of service
For vacancies please call for the latest information.
Transport Provided
Transport is provided according to each individuals need and requirement.
CQC Registered
CQC website link
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable