Service Provider Name
CareTech Supported Living
Domiciliary care, supported living services and accommodation, short break services, day opportunities, outreach support
5th Floor
Hawthorns House
Halfords Lane
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B66 1BB
Where do they provide service from?
Registered office is above address, services operated across the West Midlands Region
0121 565 8120
0121 565 8130
Area covered
Sandwell, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Solihull.
Who is the service for?
People with learning disabilities, mental ill health, physical disabilities, complex health needs, autism and Aspergers.
Referral route
Direct or via Social Services
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
CareTech Community Services was founded in 1993 and supports a wide range of people; specialising in the individual support of people with learning disabilities, especially those with additional physical or psychological impairment or with autistic spectrum disorder. The CareTech group provides high quality individual support and accommodation to more than 1300 adults and children with a range of learning and physical disabilities. The company also has several community resource centres, offering opportunities for people to learn the skills required for independent living and to experience a fuller and more complete lifestyle. We offer specialist services and support for people with severe physical disability, challenging behaviours, mental health problems and autistic spectrum disorder. We also provide for an increasing number of people with sensory impairment, physical disabilities, mental health issues, substance misuse and acquired brain injury. Support is offered within a highly individualised and professional planning process where the service user is a full participant. Many of our users live in progressive outward looking residential services while an increasing number have their own tenancies and a comprehensive independent support programme. We operate several short stay or respite services. A small but growing number of people purchase their own packages of support from us using one of several types of direct payment. We also operate resource centres that offer opportunities to learn new skills; focusing on increasing independence.We have a partnership with a number of registered social landlords who provide shared and single occupancy tenancies.
When are the services run?
365 days per year
Time details
24 hours a day
24 hour care - supported living accommodation and support up to 24 hours a day, domiciliary, respite, short breaks, autism, day opportunities and nursing care
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Means tested
Total capacity of service
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
CQC website link
Sandwell Approved List