Service Provider Name
Centre Spot
Centre Spot provides a range of sports and physical activity as well as regeneration projects to improve the physical wellbeing of communities and encourage learning, work experience, volunteering and self-esteem.
97 All Saints Way
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B71 1RU
Where do they provide service from?
In the community such as schools
0121 569 2411
Area covered
West Midlands
Who is the service for?
Mainly children and young people
Referral route
Please call or email
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Centre Spot Coaching:Soccer Camps - run during school holidays for boys and girls age between 6-14 years, of all abilities.Soccer Schools - for children aged between 3-12 years run at various venues across the West Midlands.First Kicks - a programme for 3-6 year olds and uses sports and physical activity to improve and develop agility, coordination, spatial awareness, and teamwork.Centre Spot also runs a number of community programmes and projects that aim to:Combat health issues such as adolescent depression and obesity, and developing lifelong positive healthy behaviours. This work includes the Family Keep Fit and Multi-Sports clubs that provide sports and physical activities to the whole family at the same time so that there is something for everyone to do. Activities include street dance, netball, handball, football and badminton.Centre Spot also works with people suffering from mental health issues, as well as disability groups to help improve their physical and mental wellbeing.Reduce youth crime and anti-social behaviour, and as a cognitive behavioural therapy, by engaging you people at risk of offending in positive activities.To secure volunteering opportunities, work experience and when possible, employment for participants in sports work, and other fields of the sports and leisure industry.Developing key employment skills for example, problem-solving, decision making, teamwork and communication, and developing the physical skills of our youngest children through sports, so they may continue playing these sports as they grow and develop, or they may move into other sporting areas.Using sports to develop psychological traits such as self-esteem, enhance social responsibility, develop moral responsibility, and also to encourage community cohesion, and to tackle issues such as racism and bullying, and other forms of discrimination.
When are the services run?
Please call or email for details
Centre Sport CIC is a creative social enterprise that uses Sports and Physical Activity to engage and build capacities of people, particularly young people. Centre Spot seeks to encourage the uptake of physical activity, and improve the physical wellbeing of communities
Chargeable service?
Please call for details
Total capacity of service
Depends on the sessions
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable