Domiciliary home care, providing personal, practical, nutritional and intensive support at home and in the community, along with reablement, sit-ins, advocacy, escorting, advice and short breaks/respite support.
Pure Offices, Office 1
Broadwell Road
West Midlands
Post Code
B69 4BY
Where do they provide service from?
In the area of all Sandwell, Birmingham and Walsall.
0121 314 9456
0121 355 8537
Contact's mobile number
07545 454 135
Area covered
Cherish Home Care cover and work across Sandwell, Birmingham and Walsall.
Who is the service for?
Younger and older adults from the age of 18, with needs including physical disabilities, sensory impairments, dementia, palliative care, learning disabilities, autism, multiple sclerosis, stokes, acquired brain injury and cultural supports to black and minority ethnic communities.
Referral route
Direct by contacting them on 0121 314 9456, doctors, social workers, hospitals.
Specific ethnic group?
They provide support to all groups including ethnic groups, with provision to communicate in Asian languages.
Summary of services
They specialise in support for people with a wide range of needs, who require extra assistance in order to remain independent, whilst enjoying the comfort of their own home and access into the broader community.
When are the services run?
The service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, as in addition to the day to day support provided they operate an emergency and on call system.
Time details
See above
Provide a personalised and flexible service, tailored to meet each persons needs and choices, promoting their independence and dignity.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Costs vary
Means tested
Total capacity of service
They have extensive capacity as home care provider.