Service Provider Name
Community Dental Service
Special Care Dental Service in Sandwell, for adults who require specialised dental care because of a severe disability, who cannot be seen by a High Street Dentist
The Lyng Centre for Health and Social Care
Frank Fisher Way
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B70 7AW
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above and other clinics in the borough .Where appropriate patients may have an assessment in their own homes
Expiry of services
Not applicable
0121 612 2385
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
Adults and children with special needs (for example, people with severe learning disability, mental health problems, extremely medically compromised or extreme dental phobia
Referral route
Self referral or through a health care professional
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
It provides the following specialist services - sedation, Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and home visits as appropriate.NHS dental treatment includes all treatment necessary to maintain a person`s oral health.
Time details
Contact number above is available Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5pm
Chargeable service?
Standard NHS charges apply unless patients are eligible for exemption or remission.
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Registered (part of the Combined Community Dental Service covering Birmingham, Sandwell, Dudley and Walsall)
CQC website link
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable