Service Provider Name
A 6 week cooking and healthy eating course
Please call the Sandwell Lifestyle Choices 0800 number
Post Code
B69 9EN
Where do they provide service from?
Various locations across the borough
0800 011 4656
No website available
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
People aged 16 and over who live, work or study in Sandwell or have a Sandwell doctor.
Referral route
Please call the Sandwell Lifestyle Choices One Number on 0800 0114656 to speak to an advisor who can tell you more and refer you into the service.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Cookwell is a 6 week cooking and healthy eating course. It runs for 6 consecutive weeks and each session last 2 hours. Courses are held across the towns of Sandwell. The session you will cover a different nutrition topic each week and then the rest of the time is spent cooking. The group will cook together and can either eat the food at the end of the session or take it home to share it with the family. The group decides what they want to cook - pizza, pasta, soups, puddings, curries, dips, different vegetable dishes. The recipes will try to cut down the amount of fat, sugar and salt in all the recipes and use lots of vegetables and fruit. On the 6th week you have the option to attend a Cookwell Shop Tour
When are the services run?
Different venues and days across the borough
Time details
Times vary for each date and venue.
To encourage people to eat more healthily
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
There is a charge of £2.50 per session, you can pay this weekly or you can pay £12.50 in a lump sum at the start of the course. The cost covers all the ingredients, take-away containers and an information folder. There is also a goody bag if you attend 4 weeks out of 5.
Total capacity of service
Sessions are limited to small groups.
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable