Service Provider Name
Fab Tots
Schools healthy eating information and activities
Please call the Sandwell Lifestyle Choices 0800 number
Post Code
B69 9EN
Where do they provide service from?
Various locations across the borough
0800 011 4656
No website available
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
Parents, expectant mums, school and community groups for young children in Sandwell
Referral route
Please call the Sandwell Lifestyle Choices One Number on 0800 0114656 to speak to an advisor who can tell you more and refer you into the service.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
FAB Tots is a programme designed to help pregnant mums and families with children under three years to understand: - About nutrition and exercise in pregnancy- Appropriate diet for infants and toddlers- The importance of being physically active- How to help your child's physical development- How to be a positive role modelThe programmes vary between four and eight weeks, and sessions last between one and a half and two and a half hours.
When are the services run?
Different venues and days across the borough
Time details
Times vary for each date and venue.
To encourage people to eat more healthily
Chargeable service?
Total capacity of service
Sessions are limited to small groups.
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable