Service Provider Name
Furnace Parade Day Care Centre
Day care service catering for adults with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour.
83 Furnace Parade
West Midlands
Post Code
Where do they provide service from?
Day centre - address as above
Expiry of services
Not applicable
0121 520 9241
0121 520 2209
Area covered
Sandwell, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Dudley
Who is the service for?
18+ adults with learning difficulties
Referral route
Contact our Business Development team on 0121 565 8120
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Day care with a programme of activities.The centre is set in its own grounds with access for those that have mobility and physical disabilities and is located close to Tipton town centre. As well as community activities that cater for all cultural ethnicities we can offer:Transport provided to and from the centre if necessary.Access to the centre five days a week throughout the year.Access advice and information from the centre free of charge.Be involved in person centred care planning, identifying individual care and support needs.A choice of activities e.g. English and Maths skills, Independent living skills, Arts and Crafts, Sports, Computers, Health and Beauty, Games, and much more, these services are specially catered for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. A choice of meals provided on a daily basis taking into account healthy options and nutritional values or allergies etc. Service users have access to snacks and drinks throughout the day.Socialise with others at the centre through group and team events.Access the community e.g. life skills, such as accessing the library, train station and going to the gym, swimming and other leisure activities.Relax in a safe and friendly environmentThe staff team are managed by a well trained and experienced management team and specialise in supporting adults with autism and complex disorders. Within Caretech we have access to a psychologist and behavioural specialist that support the team with individuals who are on the Autistic Spectrum. Staff are trained in non-violent intervention and behavioural plans that encourage and assist individuals to develop to their potential for safe, individual support both in the community and at the centre.
When are the services run?
Monday - Friday
Time details
8.30am to 4.30pm
CareTech is a principled service provider working to deliver high quality care and support within a strongly person centred approach.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Total capacity of service
Caters for up to 15 service users
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List