Service Provider Name
Loaves 'n' Fishes
Christian project providing practical help, essential household furniture, or the provision of clothes to people in need.
55a Vicarage Road
Post Code
B62 8HU
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above.
0121 559 7443
Area covered
Sandwell and Dudley
Who is the service for?
People and families in need
Referral route
Please call to make a referral, donate items, or find out more about what they do.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Non profit making, Christian project, set up to help people in need, such as women and children fleeing domestic violence, families unable to work, older people, by providing them with household items, furniture, clothing etc. free of charge. Donations and volunteers are always welcome. Please see the website for more information.
When are the services run?
See below
Time details
Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm
Loaves 'n' Fishes seeks to bring glory to God by demonstrating the love of Christ through the provision of both practical help, essential household furniture, or the provision of clothes to people in need.
Chargeable service?
Everything they give is free of charge but they do ask for a donation of £35 from those who are in a position to give to support the project this covers all transportation of goods. That includes the journeys to collect the items in, which there could be several, and to deliver those items. This provides a basic package. They also offer furniture packs, which are bigger than basic packages, these may include more than one bed or a brand new bed or including electrical items. Packs are from £100 upwards.
Cost of service
See above
Means tested
See above
Total capacity of service
Depends on donations and volunteers
Transport Provided
Furniture can be collected and delivered
CQC Registered
Sandwell Approved List