Service Provider Name
Health Trainers
Health trainers
Please call the Sandwell Lifestyle Choices 0800 number
Post Code
B69 9EN
Where do they provide service from?
Doctors practices or at a local venue like a library, swimming baths or community centre.
0800 011 4656
No website available
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
People aged 16 and over who live, work or study in Sandwell or have a Sandwell doctor. For people who need one to one help to improve their health and wellbeing or need support to make decisions
Referral route
Please call the Sandwell Lifestyle Choices One Number on 0800 0114656 to speak to an advisor who can tell you more and refer you into the service.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Health trainers are are trained to give advice on physical activity, healthy eating and weight management, stopping smoking and alcohol use. The service offers an initial assessment followed by 6 half hour one-on-one appointments over a 3 month period (or longer if needed). During the visits the health trainer will provide advice, motivation and long term support.
When are the services run?
Appointments by arrangement
Time details
Appointments by arrangement
To encourage people to improve their health and wellbeing
Chargeable service?
Total capacity of service
Sessions are limited to small groups.
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable