Service Provider Name
Home Accident Prevention Service
Free home safety assessments for Sandwell residents
Sandwell General Hospital
Hallam Street
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B71 4HJ
Where do they provide service from?
In people's homes
Expiry of services
Not applicable
0121 507 2664 (option 5)
0121 507 2668
No website available
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
All Sandwell residents that have a Sandwell doctor. It does not matter whether they own their own home or rent the property. The service is particularly aimed at those who may be at risk due to advancing age, illness, disability or those who just feel vulnerable to accidents within the home.
Referral route
Residents can call the number above to request a free home safety check. Health professionals need to email to the address above with the person's full name, date of birth, full address including postcode, doctor's details including surgery address and any information about areas of concern.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
The officer will make an appointment and then carry out the assessment. After the assessment they will discuss what needs to be done with the person and their carers/family members and gain their consent to carry out any necessary work.The type of work they can do includes the following.Re-siting telephone points to avoid tripping over trailing cables, fixing loose carpets, fitting additional grab rails or any other things that will improve safety.Fitting door chains and spy holes to wooden doors where appropriate to improve safety.Carrying out carbon monoxide checks on gas fires using calibrated equipment and assisting in making the appliance safe if excess levels of CO are detected.Referring on to the fire service if appropriate for smoke alarms to be fitted free.Referring on to other agencies for any other help that may be needed like walking of bathing aids. All labour is free but there may be a small charge for materials.
Time details
The call centre is open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
They aim to improve the safety in the home and help people maintain their independence within their own home.
Chargeable service?
All labour is free but there may be a small charge for materials.
Total capacity of service
Depends on officers availability
Transport Provided
Not applicable
CQC Registered
Registered (Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust)
CQC website link
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable