Service Provider Name
Hypnotherapy Directory
A directory where people can find out more about hypnotherapy and find suitable practitioners
Riverside Way
Post Code
GU15 3YL
Where do they provide service from?
Their website but practitioners are available across all areas of the country
Expiry of services
Not applicable
Customer Service Team: 0844 8030 242
Email available via the website
Area covered
Who is the service for?
Anyone wishing to find out more about hypnotherapy or wishing to find a practitioner
Referral route
Please visit the website, call or email
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Hypnotherapy Directory was set up to allow those looking for a hypnotherapist to easily find the most suitable practitioner, as well as read about what hypnotherapy is, understand how it works and find out about the different areas it can help with. To ensure only professional hypnotherapists are listed with them, they require all practitioners to send in a copy of their qualifications and insurance cover, or proof of membership with a professional body, before they appear on Hypnotherapy Directory. Visitors are also able to read useful articles written by the hypnotherapists listed with us, find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions and refine their search to ensure they choose the most suitable help.Hypnotherapy areas:Addictions such as smoking, alcohol abuse, gambling and food addictions.Anxiety, depression, stress.Compulsions, obsessions, phobias or panic attacks.Sleep disorders, relationship issues, anger management, pain management.Please see the website for more areas and information.
Time details
This depends on the practitioner but the Customer Service Team are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Chargeable service?
The website is free but practitioners will charge
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
Transport Provided
Not applicable
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable