Service Provider Name
iCare Living Limited
Provide Specialist Domiciliary (Home Care) and Supported Living for Learning Disabilities, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Older Adults and Mental Health customers (including those with forensic histories) who require accommodation and/or care.
11 Harrington Croft
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B71 3RJ
07583 697 114 / 0800 107 3034
Contact position
Pally Kaur - Registered Manager
Contact's mobile number
07583 697 114
Area covered
Sandwell, North and Central Birmingham, Walsall, Dudley
Who is the service for?
16+ Learning Disability, Mental Health, Autism and Older People
Referral route
Contact telephone: 07583 697 114 or 0800 107 3034. Alternatively email
Specific ethnic group?
Offer culturally specific supported living accommodation and Domicillary care for Asian & Black males/females where requested with carers to match backgrounds.
Summary of services
Design bespoke packages of care tailored around the needs of the customer to help them live independently in their own homes. We also source good quality accommodation for individuals who need their own living space in supported living i.e. flats or hours shares. Our enablement and independence forcused care teacher new living skills.We manage behaviour that challenge and provide robust clinical Risk Management to those who repesent a risk to themselves or others. Manage those subject to HMA 1983 i.e. S.117 patients discharged into the community on CTS's and Restricted Patients under the MOJ.24 hour care in supported living accommodation and up to 24 hour care home support.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Variable depending on needs / risks (Payments via Private arrangement, Personal Budgets & Direct Payments or Council funded)
Means tested
Transport Provided
Can be arranged upon request
CQC Registered