Service Provider Name
Ileys Community Association
Ileys Community organization helps refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived migrants to settle in to the community and access services providing; drop in advice surgeries/language support in Somali, Arabic and Swahili, women's group, after school activities and homework club, English and ESOL courses , Women’s group, youth club and employment support
Victoria Park Skill Centre
Corbett Street / Suffer Street
West Midlands
Post Code
B66 3PU
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
0121 448 3940
Area covered
Sandwell, Black Country, Birmingham
Who is the service for?
Most of our client is disadvantage people and women, many of deep-rooted barriers to their full participation in local life will take a long time to address. Large group of client live in Smethwick in one of the most deprived wards in the UK. Our primary goal is to relieve poverty, sickness and distress by the provision of information and advice to refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers. And other local ethnic people. Referral route: Self referral/ referral by other agencies locally Specific ethnic group: Somali , Arabic Speaking communities & other ethnic minority
Referral route
Self referral/ referral by other agencies locally
Specific ethnic group?
Somali & Arabic Speaking communities
Summary of services
To support the local Somali community in accessing services in healthcare, employment , education and housing. To alleviate poverty, distress and hardship faced by refugee communities. To address the inequalities faced by the community and provide support, advocacy and advice to them.
When are the services run?
Monday - Sunday
Time details
10am- 8pm
Chargeable service?
Not for users
Cost of service
Interpreting translation is charged at £20 ph for outside agencies. The child care/tuition service is charged at £10ph
Means tested
Not applicable
Total capacity of service
Advice surgeries capacity is 8-12clients per day……After school and youth activities 15-20 per day e….women group is 12-19 per week……man activities is 15-20 per week… such as English, sewing and employment support are 20-30 per week
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable