Service Provider Name
Murray Hall Community Trust - Group work with young men
Therapeutic group work programme for young men affected by domestic abuse
The Bridge
St Marks Road
West Midlands
Post Code
Where do they provide service from?
Office address as above but group work takes place in community venues.
07877 331932
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
Boys and young men aged 11-14 years old who live, go to school or have their GP practice located in Sandwell
Referral route
Those interested can self-refer or be referred by parents, schools, GPs, social services or other organizations who are concerned about the impact of domestic abuse upon the young person.
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
The 12 session group work programme aims to help young men move past their experiences of domestic abuse and look forward to healthy relationships in their futures. After the programme, there is a bespoke package of follow-up work available, and the opportunity to train as a peer mentor to help other boys in similar situations. There is also a `Young Voices` group which aims to give young survivors an opportunity to influence policy, planning and commissioning.
When are the services run?
There are two programmes per year, usually running during the Easter and summer school holidays, though individual work can begin at any point during the year.
Time details
As above
Chargeable service?
A Comic Relief grant fully funds the costs of attending the group work programme, including transport, meals and all trips/activities, and so the service is free to families. However, there is a new training package available to organizations who would like to deliver the programme in their own settings, upon request.
Total capacity of service
12-15 young men per group, plus additional capacity for 1-2-1 work.
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable