Service Provider Name
P3 Sandwell Women's Service
A 10 bed, 24 hour staffed supported housing project for women with mental health issues.
65 Old Meeting Street
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B70 9SR
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
Expiry of services
March 2012
0121 525 6880
0121 525 6002
Contact position
Service Co-ordinator
Contact's mobile number
07554 453541
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
18-65 Women only service for women with mental health issues
Referral route
Self referral, Crisis Home Treatment Team, G.P., Support Services, Community Mental Health Trust, PCLT
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
It has two distinctly separate functions. 7 rooms are designated for the accommodation of clients with Mental Health difficulties who require tenancy related support. Women accessing this service have a comprehensive assessment of need and are then involved in the formulation of a support plan designed to address these needs. This plan is then followed and regularly reviewed with the aim of promoting independence in the future.

Access to the remaining three rooms is managed jointly by P3 and the Sandwell Crisis and Home Treatment team as an alternative to Hospital admission. Clients using this facility require access to 24 hour support for a short period of time due to a relapse of their mental health difficulties. During their time at the service their support will be reviewed, directed and delivered jointly by the Crisis and Home Treatment Team and P3 Staff.
When are the services run?
7 days a week
Time details
24 hours a day
Their vision is to give people the practical skills and self esteem that they need to sustain an independent and self sufficient lifestyle by providing opportunities and support that help vulnerable people move on from social exclusion to inclusion.
Chargeable service?
Yes £14.00 per week service charge for clients
Cost of service
Funded through housing benefit, clients need to be eligible to apply.
Total capacity of service
10 places
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not approved