Service Provider Name
Phoenix House
Accommodation and support
Phoenix House
16 Trotters Lane
Hill Top
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B71 2QF
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above. The location is close to central bus route In and out of the town centre. local shops, doctor, dentist, pharmacy, etc.
0121 525 5777
0121 532 7819
Contact's mobile number
07515 358303
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
People with mental health needs
Referral route
Refer direct or through Social Services, doctor or other agencies
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
Phoenix House is a Supported Accommodation for people with mental health needs. We have a team of highly trained and friendly staff 24 hours each day, 7 days each week. We provide support in areas such as: Accessing local, community organizations/agenciesAccessing health, social care or other services within the sectorDeveloping domestic/life skillsDeveloping social skills and establishing social contacts and activitiesMove-on services/help with finding other suitable accommodationEstablishing personal safety and securityBuilding and maintaining Community NetworksGaining access to education or training facilitiesHelp with budgeting and accessing help with benefit claimsSupport to access voluntary or paid employmentGaining skills for shopping, errand running etc.Signposting to culture specific social, health/treatment servicesSetting up and maintaining a home or tenancyMaintaining satisfactory standard of health and well being, including supervision of medicationAccessing culture-specific liaison and advocacy support servicesAccessing culture-specific counselling/emotional supportLow level emotional support and counsellingBuilding and maintaining social networksMaintaining a tenancy.
When are the services run?
365 days a year
Time details
24 hours a day
People with mental health needs within the Borough of Sandwell
Chargeable service?
The service is Direct Payments funded. The Service Charge is payable by the Service User
Cost of service
Service users are assessed for Direct Payments.
Means tested
Total capacity of service
13 places
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable