Service Provider Name
Care Act Advocacy, information and advice
PO Box 17943
Post Code
B9 9PB
Where do they provide service from?
Advocates are based in the local community
0300 456 2370
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Referral route
Professional Third Party Referral only
Summary of services
The Care Act places a duty on local authorities to involve people as much as possible when their care and support is being assessed or reviewed or when they may be subject to safeguarding concerns. A person will be entitled to have an independent advocate under the Care Act if: They are deemed to have substantial difficulty being fully involved in the process. This means they would have difficulty understanding, remembering, using or weighing up relevant information or in communicating their views, wishes or feelings: There is no appropriate person available to support and represent the person's wishes and advocate can be involved when the local authority is:• Carrying out a needs assessment: Carrying out a child's needs assessment; Carrying out a carer's assessment, child's carer's assessment or a young carer's assessment: Preparing a support plan or reviewing a care and support plan: Making safeguarding enquiries or arranging for a Safeguarding Adults Review
When are the services run?
Helpline: Monday to Friday
Time details
8am- 6pm
POhWER is a charity and membership organisation. We provide information, advice, support and advocacy to people who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
This service is FREE