Service Provider Name
Sandwell Asian Family Support Service (SAFS) - Disabilities
At SAFS we provide care services to children, young adults and adults with disabilities
SAFS Offices
Windmill Community Centre
Messenger Road
West Midlands
Post Code
B66 3DX
Where do they provide service from?
Sandwell borough wide, current centre-based services are provided from our centre in Smethwick. Community-based care services can be provided across the borough. They also provide services in Birmingham.
0121 558 2198
0121 558 7771
Contact position
CEO/Registered Manager Parpinder K Dhatt.
Area covered
Sandwell and the neighboring boroughs of Birmingham
Who is the service for?
Children, young people and adults (South Asian -not exclusively) who have a disability and/or complex health needs. We also provide wellbeing services to parents and carers.
Referral route
Self-referral and referrals from other agencies
Specific ethnic group?
Yes. We work predominantly within the South Asian Community within Sandwell but also work with other BAME and non-BAME communities, ensuring the individual’s cultural, religious and linguistic needs are met.
Summary of services
SAFS provides quality care, support and wellbeing services to children, young adults and adults with disabilities and their families within their home environment/s, centre based and in the community.We support individuals, families, parents and carers by providing a range of services from Domiciliary care, Community based service, Centre based Lifestyles and Day opportunities service, Out of School Club, Holiday activities services, Short Breaks and Personal Assistance (PA) Service, Parents & Carers support and wellbeing service.We work predominantly within the South Asian Community within Sandwell but also work with other BAME and non-BAME communities, ensuring the individual’s cultural, religious and linguistic needs are met.We work across Sandwell and neighbouring boroughs to ensure we achieve our vision of ‘a world where children, young people and adults with disabilities can reach their full potential with love and care, free from any kind of discrimination and deprivation'.
When are the services run?
Domiciliary Care is provided from 6.00am to 10.00pm 7 days a week
Time details
Domiciliary care from 6am - 10pm every day of the week.
SAFS vision is ' a world where children, young people and adults with disabilities can reach their full potential with love and care, free from any kind of discrimination and deprivation'.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Contact SAFS for further details
Means tested
Total capacity of service
We are able to be flexible, adjusting in line with demand
Transport Provided
Contact SAFS for further details
CQC Registered
CQC website link
Sandwell Approved List