Service Provider Name
Sandwell Community Caring Trust (Allerton Court Day Care)
Day care for older people
Allerton Court
234 Hydes Road
West Bromwich
West Midlands
Post Code
B71 2ED
Where do they provide service from?
Address as above
0121 588 5494
0121 588 5390
Contact position
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
Older people
Referral route
Social services and direct payments
Specific ethnic group?
Summary of services
The day centre at Allerton Court comprises of a twelve-place facility, seven days a week. Situated in the large community lounge in the centre of the building, service users can participate as fully as possible both in the day centre and in the community at large. Service users are transported in the centres own minibus, which operates a door-to-door service. Activities take place daily; for example, outings, shopping, bingo, games and meals out in the community. Meals are also provided, prepared to a high standard with a varied, culturally sensitive menu, and users of the day centre are actively encouraged to mix with the permanent residents of Allerton Court.

Each Person who uses the day centre has the right to receive personalised care aimed at responding to their unique needs and their potential for growth and development. An individuals needs and wants are agreed after an assessment has taken place by a social worker and the Senior Care Assistant of the day centre.
When are the services run?
7 days a week
Time details
Around 8.30am to 3.30pm
Sandwell Community Caring Trust believe it is essential to have a strong value based culture focused on truth, trust and integrity that places service users at the heart of all their activities. They seek to foster and present the following values and behaviours within the organisation: culture of care and pride amongst staff; trained, committed and motivated members and trustees; working as a collective team to achieve our aims; promoting diversity and ensuring that we recognise and celebrate differences within the context of fairness and equality; honest, accountable and transparent; professional and innovative, using approaches which strive towards continuous improvement and cost effective services.
Chargeable service?
Cost of service
Means tested
Total capacity of service
12 places
Transport Provided
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List