Service Provider Name
Sandwell Council Housing Out Of Hours Repairs
Out of hours emergency repairs
Telephone/fax only
Post Code
B70 8TQ
0800 844 112 (out of hours number). For repairs and maintenance 8am - 8pm call 0121 569 6000
0121 569 6404
Area covered
Borough of Sandwell
Who is the service for?
All tenants of Sandwell MBC
Referral route
Self referral
Specific ethnic group?
Not applicable
Summary of services
Provision of housing management and repairs and maintenance services throughout Sandwell.
When are the services run?
7 days a week
Time details
Monday - Friday 8pm - 8amSaturday and Sunday and Bank Holidays 24 hours a day
Chargeable service?
No, but any misuse of the Emergency Out Of Hours service will result in a charge to the occupier for the visit made.
Total capacity of service
Not applicable
Transport Provided
Not applicable
CQC Registered
Not applicable
Sandwell Approved List
Not applicable